Sunday 27 October 2013

Twister message 2

Twister message 1

My twister post! 

A case study and the TPCK / SAMR models.

Case Study 1.4: Talking books. 

In the UK there is an organization called EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service) that, in working with pre-school children with English as their second language, spotted a difficulty: they had under-developed speaking and listening skills.
To tackle this problem and help the kids' parents improve the situation, EMTAS chose 10 books for children and had them recorded by bilingual professionals using Mantra Lingua's Talking PENs, a site specifically designed for this type of work. They recorded readings and retellings of the books both in English and in the various native languages of the children. Each book was made available for parents to share with their kids.
The project was reported to be successful.

TPCK: Technology- Pedagogy- Content- Knowledge -- applied to my case:

- Content: the aim was to help these pre-school children improve listening and speaking in English, and reading comprehension as well.
- Pedagogy: books were recorded in both languages for mothers to work on with their children.
- Technology: online reading programmes were used for the recording of the talking books. Mantra Lingua is the site mentioned in the article.

Personally, I had never heard of Talking Books. I believe, since what we are aiming at is student autonomy in terms of technology, that it would be a good idea for us to have our students record not just stories but why not drama plays online! Then we could post the recordings on a class blog and share it with other classrooms in the world.


I've just opened my DIIGO account and saved some of my favourite links. I'd never used it before and I already think it's fantastic!

Here's the link to my site:

The SAMR model and me.

The SAMR model: four levels of technology use.

Ruben Puentedura, the creator of this terminology and framework, describes "substitution" as the "lowest level of technology used", where "we are looking at using the technology as a direct substitute for an earlier technological form, without changing anything about it whatsoever" (Puentedura, 2006).

Even if in his talk he goes on to describe the next three levels, I have decided to only post on the first one since it is the level I am currently working at. I still have not been able to get to the Augmentation stage, due to the limitations in my working environment.

As an example of why I believe I am in the Substitution stage: instead of asking my students to write a brief feedback and reflection on a video we have worked on in class, I ask them to post it on our class blog. Instead of revising concepts that they have discussed already, I ask them to visit the blog and work on their revision from there. Instead of checking a dictionary, they are asked to visit the online dictionaries via their cellphone.

I would like to move on to the Augmentation level, but I know it takes time and resources. I hope I'll be able to do so soon!

Monday 21 October 2013

Hi everyone!
Check this TED talk out on the use of video to renew our teaching practices!
Comments welcome!

Sunday 20 October 2013

Avatars: our virtual selves

This is my first encounter with Avatars, and I must confess I find it a highly interesting tool to apply in teaching. Not only is it appealing in itself, but it also entails a process of creation: when one is involved in making up one's Avatar our mind undergoes a complex process of reflection, I believe, about what and how much of who we think we are we need or want our Avatar to reflect. 
Apart from the creative aspect, the use of an Avatar can also provide a useful opportunity for those shy students who tend not to participate in class to voice their feelings and ideas, so that, if their class participation is hindered by their shyness, participation can be done through their Avatar in the virtual world. In this particular case, I am referring to talking Avatars, such as Voki. 

What other advantages to the use of Avatars can we find? Opinions welcome!

Saturday 19 October 2013

On this blog

This blog has been created as a site for my reflections upon teaching practices related to technology. 
I will be particularly including my discoveries and experiences with new software and how I believe these could be integrated in the classroom. 
I hope we can all enjoy this technologizing experience!