Sunday 27 October 2013

The SAMR model and me.

The SAMR model: four levels of technology use.

Ruben Puentedura, the creator of this terminology and framework, describes "substitution" as the "lowest level of technology used", where "we are looking at using the technology as a direct substitute for an earlier technological form, without changing anything about it whatsoever" (Puentedura, 2006).

Even if in his talk he goes on to describe the next three levels, I have decided to only post on the first one since it is the level I am currently working at. I still have not been able to get to the Augmentation stage, due to the limitations in my working environment.

As an example of why I believe I am in the Substitution stage: instead of asking my students to write a brief feedback and reflection on a video we have worked on in class, I ask them to post it on our class blog. Instead of revising concepts that they have discussed already, I ask them to visit the blog and work on their revision from there. Instead of checking a dictionary, they are asked to visit the online dictionaries via their cellphone.

I would like to move on to the Augmentation level, but I know it takes time and resources. I hope I'll be able to do so soon!

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